Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stress Factor

Yesterday was a stressful day, like a 9/10 stress. I don't pretend to have a perfect life, or perfect finances, and everything seemed to be going wrong at once.

In the midst of all the madness I heard the cry of 'I need Peanut Butter NOW.'

That is not a normal craving for me, as I have weird blood-sugar issues when it comes to peanut butter.

My body insisted, so I had some whole wheat bread with peanut butter.

It tasted SO GOOD to me.

I don't know what was in it that made me crave it, but I am learning to listen to my body better.

And it fit well into my nutrition for the day. I had my shake and supplements, and everything balanced out just fine.

Today the stress is more manageable. My husband's check has finally been deposited after the long weekend, and it's a beautiful cloudy day outside. Things don't seem so bleak.

And this only helps me remember why I NEED this.

Oh, and I'm another pound down :)

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