Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Dream Day

Today I have really been thinking about the motivating Dreams that are behind the actions-- the whole reason why I am putting so much time and effort into making Shaklee work for my family.
I've talked about my little self-sustaining homestead a lot, but on days when I feel like I am making no progress, I like to go and really LOOK at what my dream would look like.

I research where I want to live and what it will take to live there. I research Milking Devon cattle (I want one), and shetland sheep and Dartmoor ponies. I go to ALBC and research the livestock that I want to be part of the conservation effort for.

I practice home-grinding wheat and making things from scratch. I experiment with homemade cheese and butter.

Then I am able to get my head back in the game, because this is what I really want. I would do practically anything to make it reality.

What is your Dream?

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